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About Catherine

Catherine Schultz, Ph.D.


Blissful Life Teacher

All-Levels Energy Healing

Support for Spiritual Realization

Group Facilitation & Dialogue

Meditation training & Retreats

My Story


I enjoy playing a variety of roles in the world including wife, mother, friend, sociologist, author, social architect, Usui Reiki Master, inner and outer scientist, college professor, poet, photographer, song writer, and blissful life teacher.  


While having many non-ordinary states experiences throughout my childhood, I became consumed with the question "What is Truth?". This question propelled me to write a master's thesis comparing modern physics to the social sciences entitled 'Do we choose our world?". 


I earned a doctorate degree in 1998 in Sociology with minors in Transpersonal Psychology & Organizational Systems through the Union Institute.  Rather than study human pathology, I decided to pursue an inquiry into the individual experience of bliss and the possibility of humans being able to socially organize in bliss.    During this time, I experienced a 'big bang' transcendent experience of bliss while reading a line from dialogues between David Bohm and J. Krishnamurti stating "the problem is the entire movement of thought".  I also conducted an organizational study which incorporated Ken Wilber's integral theory and Beck & Cowan's spiral dynamics theory to facilitate the evolutionary transformation of a non-profit organization. 


Over the years, I've refined my recognition of bliss in an ongoing basis and studied with numerous consciousness teachers to integrate her experience including Gangaji, Ken Wilber and Arunachala Ramana (, Stephen Wolinsky, Ph.D., Eckhart Tolle and Paramhansa Yogananda. 


My book "bliss: Living in Silent Awareness" is a reworking of my dissertation which aims to integrate the hemispheres of the brain for greater stability to 'tune in' to the bliss experience of oneness with all things. This is also a state and stage of consciousness known as 'unity or non-dual consciousness'.

I have continued to focus my attention on the silent awareness that is within each one of us and scientifically accessible.  I see this as an inherent capacity of the brain as part of an overall movement of conscious evolution within the species.


I have over 27 years of experience working with individuals and groups to facilitate deeper inner peace, positive shifts in consciousness, and new ways of accessing greater capacities for seeing and experiencing life. I've taught at a variety of public, private, on-ground and on-line universities including but not limited to: Buffalo State College's "International Studies in Creativity" Program, Niagara University, Shaw University, University of NC at Asheville, University of SC at Spartanburg, South University and Ashford University.


My greatest interest is to support a vision of all humanity living a multi-perspective, creative, interconnected life evolved beyond conditioned habits of thought. 


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